
Traveling the Near & Far

BRB. Wanderlusting...

Antelope Valley

A trip to Page, AZ at the tail end of May after a major life-changing event was just what was the doctor ordered. More specifically, getting your breath taken away and becoming inspired by nature's wonders while going into the depths of the Antelope Canyons, was exactly what I needed to confirm that everything in life, despite the crazy turn of events happening, would be okay. I mean, here is this piece (well, massive area...) of land that has undergone the extremities of nature, i.e. flooding and crucial heat, and yet it managed to evolve into a wonder of the world. Every twist and turn in the slot canyons, in addition to the haunting feeling of Native American spirits guiding you through this mystical place, was a work of about photo-opp and no more space on the iPhone. 

Oh, this was the Lower Antelope Canyon, should you ever have a moment to visit.

Cecilia Fernandez